Tuesday 13 February 2018

What is Media Literacy

    We watched two different videos in Media Studies about what media literacy actually is, each of these videos were very educational and I learned a lot from each of them! For me personally, I liked the first video more because it was more entertaining to watch, although I did find the second video had better information in it.  I use a lot of technology yet I never really thought about any of the information I learned throughout these videos. One of the things I never thought about was the fact that in any type of news or documentary, there is one side left out. No matter how hard people try they will always be more for one side, even without trying. So basically no media message is completely objective.

     There are also a lot of different issues when it comes to social media, one reason for that is the fact that anyone can make content and put it on the internet. So for example, country's can post propaganda which can be very damaging towards other country's and can be very manipulating to the population of those country's. 


  1. Tiffany,

    Solid discussion on both videos. The notion of objectivity is an important one. There are many reasons why voices or perspectives are not included in different media products, and the worst thing, I think, a producer can do is assume he/she is being objective. We can strive to be as fair as possible, but we should always remember that there are limitations and weaknesses in every type of medium.


  2. Tiffany,
    You had really good points throughout your discussion, and I do agree that there is always more then one side with media.
    Great Job!
